Tuesday, July 15, 2008


After typing the title, I felt like blogging about lions. That is not going to happen; I lack too much knowledge on them.

Weird. Everything is so weird now. There seems to be plenty to do, but not enough time to finish everything. However, I feel so free now. That's why it is weird.

I feel so insecured, all of a sudden. I am like, afraid of everyone and everything leaving me behind. Here, all alone, where no one cares or bothers. Suddenly, nothing seems close enough now. I want to reach out and grab something, but it feels like it is running away from me. I am scared of being ditched, and left at one corner. Someone, save me from the pits of darkness. It is swallowing me in it.

The world is so small, I just realised. Everyone knows everyone. Anyone might know everyone. Okay, explanation, my classmate knows my friend. My friend is my friend's childhood friend. My primary school friend is my friend's CCA mate. My classmate's sister is my junior. My classmate knows my primary school friend. My school mate knows my friend's friend. Something like that, and its still not ended.

Confusing, but interesting. The world is small enough. Singapore is even smaller than I thought! This little red dot on the world map has everything of my life. So, I love Singapore.

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