Tuesday, December 1, 2009
"You always keep everything to yourself, you know?"
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Can Humans live without friends?
I've been wondering about that statement for quite some time. I feel that having to communicate constantly and meeting up often is tiring. I'm not a people's person; I might not be suitable for the industry I'm heading towards. Maybe I should hide somewhere where contact with humans are minimal.
The more you get to know someone, the more disgusted you'll feel about people, as a whole. Like how reliant some people are, how often you are used by others, the times where poor communication erupts in misunderstandings and any amount of explanations are always not enough. It is exhausting.
I'm sick, of communication. My head hurts. I feel faint.
On the bright side, I'm finally catching Julie and Julia on Friday. It's going to be off the cinemas very soon in Singapore, so I need to catch it before then!
Sunday, October 18, 2009
I'm scared, actually.
A new semester is going to start tomorrow. I'm used to those sickening gossips, but I'm not sure how to handle them successfully. Oh well, we'll see how it goes. They say gossips die in 7 weeks. By now, hopefully it's gone. Haha!
I think I'm not a good daughter. I'm ashamed of myself. Various reasons make me feel so disappointed in myself. It is hard to do anything now that things are like this. I try to ignore everything, which doesn't solve the problem. Trust, I believe, is difficult to regain, especially after years. Karma will get back at me for this, definitely, and I would not blame anyone except myself.
See, that's why I need a listener.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
To be able to draw out identical weapons and skills from characters in comic books is what I want. I can have Sode no Shirayuki or Senbonzakura in my hands when I fight. I think Zangetsu is too heavy for me! Not only from Bleach, I can utilize the skills and intelligence of Negi Sensei, power up my attacks with the help of Tsuna or create magical barriers like Yoshimori.
Heck it, I can attain physical strength from those of Street Fighter or fly on the clouds with those Dragon Ball punks. Hahaha, this is getting crazy.
Oh whatever, I think I'll be invincible with this skill. No other heroes can outdo me. ;)
Monday, October 5, 2009
Even I comment on others behind-their-backs; I don't know whether commenting is as bad as gossiping? I should be used to everything and look on the bright side. By the end of the day, I feel that I might have trusting issues, which is something I fear. I absolutely do not want to live in suspicion everyday; it is too tiring.
"Harmless; they are harmless."
I am someone with limited attention span. That's why I always leave things undone. For example, learning Japanese has been dragging on and on for months. I haven't even memorized the basic Hiragana; I'm trying to learn them again. Wish me luck.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Ding Ding Ding.
Currently, I'm playing a game, Bleach - The 3rd Phantom DS. My characters level up when they train or when they are battling. Points are earned during the leveling process and can be exchanged for skills or upgrades.
Like humans, they can't learn two things at once; you are only allowed to learn a skill or upgrade a skill one at a time. You can't be greedy in upgrading all too. Out of three routes, you are allowed to choose to fully maximise only two of them.
How are we similar? For example, learning two different languages at a time confuses us, decreasing our learning ability.
Why the sudden aspiration to link gaming characters and humans, you might wonder.
I realized that I am constantly doing things I dislike to people. It was only until one of them made me realize. I complained that people do things that I dislike to me, and yet, I am doing those things to others! How careless of me to not be able to see these.
I want to improve, and I can only do so through learning experiences in life. That set me thinking about humans and game characters. I want to level up. I want my personality and humanity to be upgraded constantly. I want to learn new skills. I can't only learn from setbacks and mistakes forever. It means that I have to go through a lot of them to be able to level up. I want to find a comfortable method to learn; one that allows me to be happy throughout this lifelong learning process.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Anna Sui's Secret Wish
Started Tweeting, after leaving my account stagnant since registration. There.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
I'mma DJ, yo.
But it is harder to please.
Almost one semester of peace,
with things starting to ease.
Now again with this,
I wonder what I'll really miss.
Rumours are flying, again. Me, surprise surprise. Backstabbing bitch this time round. Hahaha, sounds like some old news to me. So I can't be trusted again, eh? This time round, I suspect it's a different person starting this shit once more.
I admit, I'm a bitch. Who's not one? Life's a bitch too. People don't even share secrets with me, how can I let the cat out of the bag. Normal conversational things they say, it is not a secret, I feel. They didn't label it obviously with, "This is a secret," or more liberally with, "Please don't tell anyone." If they don't want non-secretive things to get out, just don't say it. Be like me. Keep everything in.
Disappointment in self stays forever.
Monday, July 20, 2009
I watched Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea (always can't get it right), Labor Pains, New in Town, Sunshine Cleaning, When Harry Met Sally and maybe a few more movies (which I can't recall) during my absence from this blog. I'll share some quick movie reviews!
Ponyo was nice, it had a simple concept but was able to reach out to my heart. The director-cum-artist-cum-writer was the same person who did Spirited Away, Howl's Moving Castle and so on! I'm inspired to watch Howl's Moving Castle again!
Labor Pain, starring Lindsay Lohan, how can I miss out on watching it? :D No matter what people say about her, I still think she is very gorgeous! Alright, the movie concept was very similar to the one produced in Hong Kong years ago starring Miriam Yang. Film wise, it was kind of identical. However, there was a twist in the story that was quite refreshing and unexpected. So, watch it for yourself to know it!
New in Town, Renee Zellweger, totally hilarious. This film totally captured my attention without fail for the whole time. Although there are parts in the trailer that wasn't in the film, which made me a little disappointed, humor was brought out in a style I liked a lot. A little predictable, but I enjoyed the good laugh, definitely worth a watch!
Sunshine Cleaning uses dark humor. Some parts were funny, while the rest of the film is mostly in a serious mood. Not really considered a comedy from what I thought, more like a drama? There is a meaning to the film. I was expecting it to be totally hilarious with the combination of Amy Adams and Emily Blunt. I had my hopes too high, maybe that's why. Whatever. I still sat through and enjoyed the whole movie.
When Harry met Sally. I know, I know, it is an old show. But it is kind of like a classic, I feel. I laughed and I cried during the movie. I like the way the movie is portrayed, segments and segments of different periods of time. It gave a very unique feel to the film. You watch it and you will feel this, 'Again? Oh man, just get together for Chris' sake!' Not in a bad way though. You will miss out a lot if you didn't watch it.
That's all! :D
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Open House.
I watched Confessions of a Shopaholic again. I think I will not get sick of this movie, like The Devil Wears Prada. Nanny Diaries was quite nice too. The kid is cute, and I like the way the movie started.
It makes me think about the ways I can make a movie in the future, if it is possible. Humor is definitely my type, or rather, sarcasm.
I dreamt of something interesting and action-packed. My lecturer as a cool and attractive gun-woman, or however you describe someone who uses a gun. Quite a cool dream if someone doesn't wake you up when it is the most crucial part. It feels like a movie scene. :)
Monday, June 8, 2009
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Mama lemon.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Tres Tres Chic.
Back to Angels and Demons, it was quite successful in letting people get hooked on guessing who is the mastermind of all the evil doings. I guessed correctly from where I started watching, after a friend kindly summarised the first half for me in the cinema. Doubted myself a few times, but turned out to be right. The movie is a bit predictable, other than the mastermind thingy.
Paid $10 for a Sunday ticket, but only watched $5 worth. I was still saying I will not watch Angels and Demons since it looks so boring. Twist of fate in life. That happens to me every time. Should I spend my time catching the first part of the movie again? I wonder. Time is tight for these few days, or rather, weeks. Rushing and rushing, for everything.
My favourite soundtrack : The Devil Wears Prada.
Random, I know, but oh well. :)
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Just finished reading this book, How To Be Cool, a NOVEL, not self-improvement book. It's by Johanna Edwards. Quite an interesting book, talking about views from plumper people, which is seldom seen by me. Easy to read and it grabs your attention. However, it is not one of those I'm-gonna-suck-you-into-me books, which is a bit of a pity.
Let's face it. No one wants to be a loser with no friends. You want proof? Those who wants to be a friendless loser please raise up your hands! See, no one, unless you raise your hand and look into the mirror or web cam, whatever.
Despite trying to be "cool" about not having as many friends like others, it is still hard. I'll still find myself checking my MSN window to see whether I have a new email from Facebook or Blogger. Or maybe even my mobile phone for new messages. Disappointment comes when there's totally nothing; it feels like no one cares or bothers about you.
Trust me, I know that feeling. Yup, I have friends, of course, but really close ones? A few. Hopefully they see me as one too. Think about it, most of the time everyone is actually alone. Alone alone. Something like everyone-is-around-me-but-I-still-feel-lonely alone.
Sometimes a single sentence or word may trigger a thought in your mind that maybe sounds like, Hey, am I an outcast or a left out? No worries, I tell myself often, that might not be true, although it seems true, sounds true or feels true.
It's tiring to think that every single moment. So let's take a step back from those nasty thoughts and look on the bright side, trust your friends. If you get hurt in the future, then they are the losers who judge people instead of accepting them for who they are.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Resolve/ Resolution.
Temperature sticker goes into the washing machine together with the shirt due to negligence. Seek for help from supposed-to-be-matured-adult. Get pissed on and help not even given after mini lecture. Problem solved after some time spent by individual. Disappointment towards specific adult has grown throughout, at a shocking rate.
Grow up, be more mature. Be independent. Seek help from no one but yourself.
One small incident can bring out a great change in people. That's what happened. Sad, but true.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
2 ply, average quality.
1 ply, rough and thin, quality sucks like hell but people still buy them.
$1 for 3 packets of tissues.
$1.2 for 3 packets of tissues.
Prices increase by old aunties who sell them. People buy the tissue if they sympathise them for requiring to work despite their old age/aging bodies.
I feel evil for typing that whole chunk of rubbish.
Life is wonderful. Life is special. So please, whoever who has the power, take back the H1N1 before it worsens and causes the death of more.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
I wanna watch 17 again! Zac Efron got the classic handsome look of men in the 60's or 70's or 80's? Either one! :)
Confessions of a Shopaholic is damn funny. Totally love the dancing part. :D
I read the book too, but I think both the movie and book has their own style. So please don't put them together and compare so much. :( Her baby is damn adorable. :D
Anyone agrees that Amy Adams and Isla Fisher look alike?
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Aw, shuddap, its not that long!
Oh boy, now I know why I love her so much. Just look at her and listen to her humor! Hahaha!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Freaky is the new cute.
But, it IS a Yes Man! poster. :)
Test was kind of bad, Okto!Live at MediaCorp was boring, project meeting was dominated!! Aliens attack! By the way, I will introduce Alfred, soon. ;)
AND OH, DOUBT! (eyes shines at thought)
Monday, January 19, 2009
Providing Effective Leadership.
A friend told me today, "No matter how good you are to them, they'll only remember the bad." Or something like that. It makes sense though, but I still believe in being good to others, I think. I'll try to do that, but whether or not I succeed, it depends. :S
Back to studying! D:
Thursday, January 15, 2009
No way, man!
Oh great, I actually managed to miss Yes Man! Yes, I'm disappointed about it, but on the other hand, I would trying getting this movie with other means. (Yes, I'm not saying what way I am using.)
2009 has been quite kind to me, and I am very thankful for that. This year started well for me and I've learnt quite a few things about life:
- I have friends who appreciate me and accepted me for who I was. A really big thank you to them. I am really grateful towards them. I'll try to improve and be a better person before things happen again. (Touch wood.) I must learn to not talk but listen and keep quiet more often.
- Being 18 is no big deal, especially when your birthday happens in November. Only in November, I'll be of legal age. Now, I can only see everyone around me buy stuff like alcohol while I sulk. Haha! It's not that bad, I can get people to buy it for me instead. But, it's an additional step needed. Oh well~
- Rich people don't always live in a big room and have a huge bed, especially when you are in another country and staying with your relatives. I was kind of shocked. I didn't expect such a small space, but I have to admit it is kind of cosy. Although it is a small room, things inside worth a bomb considered to those of my room. What can I expect? :)
- Life is supposed to be stressful for me now, like it is for everyone in my class. However, I am not feeling the pressure yet, and I wonder if it is a good sign or not. I am not stressed, but there are 7 ICAs (aka projects and tests) coming up soon, very soon. Right after those seven, my exams will be tagging along. I need to work harder.

A note to myself: I wanna meet Meryl Streep and chat with her about everything under the sun/moon/stars/planets/milkyway/blackhole or whatever, just everything. :(