I'm holding on, or rather, trying to hold on. To what? To the friendship we have, to the clique we are in. Splitting will come gradually, if no one decides to do anything about it. How I wish things will go back to the way it is before, but we know that it is impossible with all the thorns within our hearts. Sad, but that is true, and I don't know whether we all feel the same or not.
A classmate told me that girl cliques always have this kind of problems. Oh well, how true. One problem just ended, and another come right along. It is not only teenagers who have this problem, even adults face this crap too. Shocking to some people, but it is a cruel world. Oh man~
Anyway, I've neither started reading 'The Devil Wears Prada' nor watched Madagascar. That is a huge disappointment for me. Look on the bright side, as in my bright side, holidays are coming! Not exactly that bright though, with all the projects tagging along. 2/3 of my clique (oh wow) will be having a secretive Christmas party with some of my other classmates. It is a secretive party, so there will be secret Santa!

Hohoho! Merry Christmas! :) Stay happy, everyone!

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